Sunday, January 20, 2008

Week Fifteen & Whatever else I've missed . . .

The only thing that I have to update is the status of this blog. My camera busted on me a few weeks back. So, until I fix it or get a new one, there will be no pics for the blog. Seeing as how I really don't write anything of interest on this thing. That means no blog until I get the camera stuff rolling. Being as how we work all day and rarely have any free time, it might be awhile. Well, maybe I'm not being fair. We do have free time, it's just at night when the camera store(s) are closed. In conclusion, we'll see what happens.

There might be an update later, from the time after my last update and the before my camera decided to crap out on me.

In the meantime, continue to enjoy the pics I have put up.



Vicky G. said...

aw, sorry to hear about you camera. what happened to it? just kidding! i'm really sorry. if i could buy you one or pay for part of it, i would. :(

Anonymous said...

Hey want blogs anyway. Your blogs are entertaining.